An Inside Look At The Medical Coder Profession
A medical coder spends their days reviewing medical records to assign codes and ensure that the health care providers they work for are properly reimbursed for their services. Coding accurately is not easy. The medical coder must carefully read the doctor’s and nurse’s notes to determine exactly what services the patient received. The coder must also understand private payer policies and government regulations for accurate coding and billing.
While many coding professionals have strengthened their career by earning their bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees, neither is required for a career in medical coding. What is required is a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology and medical terminology. It is also highly recommended for serious coders to complete a medical coding course of study. By some estimates, inaccurate or incomplete coding costs the average doctor thousands of dollars a year in lost payments. Without competent coders, providers run the risk of losing revenue. They then assign codes for the information based on an official, universally used coding system. These medical codes are often used to reimburse claims by hospitals and their physicians for insurance purposes.
Because physicians and hospitals depend on accurate coding to receive proper reimbursement, the role of the coder is becoming more valued. A medical coder works in every type of health care facility, including doctor’s offices, surgery centers, hospitals and health care systems. Some experienced coders have the ability to work at home through an employer or as a contract worker.
Coding is extraordinarily detail-oriented work. The coder must carefully review the patient’s chart to learn the diagnosis and itemize every service that was provided. If a service is overlooked, the provider will not receive payment for it. If the coder chooses the wrong code, the provider may have to return any excess payment or face legal charges for overbilling. Codes change constantly, so coders must keep up to date on new rules and interpretations.
If you are interested about becoming a Medical Coder, then Lamson Institute in the San Antonio area offers a Medical Biller/ Coder/ Office Assistant program that prepares students for a variety of entry-level positions in the Allied Health Care Career Field. This program provides training to our students that will be needed in this field for your medical career. Upon completion of the program, the student will be prepared for their level entry job. What are you waiting for?
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